Warning: include(/home/deheyn/www/club-prescrire/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 13

Warning: include(/home/deheyn/www/club-prescrire/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 13

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/deheyn/www/club-prescrire/config.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 13
Inscription "Express" Congrès Annuel de l'Unsfa - Club Prescrire
Warning: include(meta.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 29

Warning: include(meta.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 29

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'meta.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 29

Warning: include(header.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 60

Warning: include(header.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 60

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'header.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 60

Je souhaite participer au Congrès Annuel de l’Unsfa
qui se tiendra à Strasbourg du 19 au 21 octobre 2006

Je souhaite qu’un permanent de l’Unsfa me rappelle pour :

  • Fixer les modalités de participation
    Jours de présence, choix des ateliers et tables rondes, soirées ...
  • Connaître le montant total de mon inscription
    J’ai bien noté que je peux bénéficier d’une prise en charge par le FIF-PL, fond de formation - jusqu’à 225 € TTC - non applicable aux architectes salariés.

Je communique mes coordonnées pour que l’on puisse me rappeler :
Nom, Prénom : 
Ville : 
Téléphone fixe : 
Téléphone portable : 

Warning: include(footer.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 146

Warning: include(footer.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 146

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'footer.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/deheyn/_clubprescrire/fr.clubprescrire.v2/eprescrire/2/inscription_congres.php on line 146